HubSpot Cms Review

HubSpot Cms Review

If you are looking for software to manage the content of your website, HubSpot is probably on your list, and you are considering it, but… do you know how effective it is?

To clear your doubts, we made this list with the advantages and disadvantages. So if this is your first time hearing about this platform, this is something that interests you.

The first thing you should know before you read on is that we at IDS are huge HubSpot enthusiasts, but that doesn’t mean we think everyone should use it. Like any great tool, it also has its not-so-positive side. Now we tell you.

what is a CMS?

You should know what a Content Manager or CMS (Content Management System) is for. It is a tool that allows you to create websites and manage their content (text, photos, videos, etc…) simply and without the need for code or programming.

Most CMS work with customizable templates that offer design and functionality alternatives to users. So it’s an efficient technology up to a certain point.

Why do you need it in your company? Simple and easy, it is the only way you have to become independent from developers and take complete control of your website.

What is HubSpot?

HubSpot is an integrated software to carry out the tasks related to Inbound Marketing. The philosophy contemplates a new focus on the promotion, recruitment, and sales. In which it is the client who is convinced to approach your brand, thanks to the value propositions offered around it.

As an automation option, it includes each functionality associated with the business process. With the opportunity to incorporate them into modules for marketing, sales, services, content creation, and management.

Either as the need arises or in response to a thoughtfully planned business growth plan.

Advantages of using HubSpot CMS

your ecosystem

Unlike other content managers, HubSpot’s CMS is only part of the puzzle, as this software also has one of the most potent CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) on the market, which in turn has many process automation features and broadens the panorama of possibilities (that is, you can not only create a website).

Yes, other CMSes can be complemented with great apps or plugins, but HubSpot’s native CRM allows for a much more effective flow of information.

Easy to use

Once installed and implemented, the platform is very intuitive and straightforward to use.

It’s easy to create and edit your pages with content blocks and elements that you can “drag and drop” into a website design. Also, its interface is already programmed to create responsive sites, so you won’t have to worry about how it will look on mobile devices.


This is another of the significant advantages of HubSpot’s CMS, and it is that, when it comes to putting the customer at the center of everything, this company is one of the leading exponents.

Thanks to the fact that it enables intelligent content, it allows you to create personalized elements according to the different segments you are targeting: language, type of device, life cycle stage, interests, among many other possibilities; something that allows you to create a unique experience for each user.

A vulnerable website brings consequences to your business and generates mistrust and rejection among your users, so its security should not be compromised.

With the HubSpot content manager, you sleep peacefully. It has an SSL security certificate and protection against DDoS and CDN attacks to guarantee that your pages are protected.

HubSpot Cms Review

Disadvantage of HubSpot

relatively new to the business world

When looking at other CRMs like SalesForce and Microsoft Dynamics, we see that these have been around for a long time. Most were introduced to the market in the 1980s or 1990s, while HubSpot arrived in the 2000s.

This can undoubtedly be unsettling for large companies with conservative management, as relying on a newer platform in the trading space may not be part of their vision.

What is important to mention is that HubSpot permeated its entrepreneurial spirit by developing a platform focused on SMEs getting off the ground to success faster with features and functionalities that are useful today for larger companies and with a much more flexible vision (grow as they go). The company grows) integrative (alignment of teams), and customer-focused.

The power of HubSpot costs a little more

At first glance, prices are not so affordable for SMEs in LATAM.

One thing is sure: HubSpot focused on SMEs in the United States, which may have a different purchasing power than SMEs in Latin America.

However, HubSpot has understood this and has made a series of free features and tools available to companies with which they can start very well. Even the first levels of licenses, such as Starter, offer the high potential functionalities at an affordable price.

It’s also important to note that if you look at the business value that HubSpot’s tools give you and analyze the speed of growth, the ROI you get, and the increase in business value, HubSpot stops being considered a high ticket and becomes the best ally for professional projection lesional of companies that are marking history.

HubSpot discourages users from personalizing too much

First, HubSpot allows a high level of customization and every day integrates more possibilities in the different functionalities, so if your processor industry requires adaptation, you won’t have a problem.

The problem comes when there is an extreme customization request. When organizations create ultra-custom interfaces for particular processes, it will have a more challenging time adapting whenever that process changes or evolves.

Ultra customization involves an amount of data entry that can overwhelm the user and, far from making life simpler and more manageable, can complicate it.

For example, sales reps want to go out and sell; they don’t want to spend a lot of time entering lots of data (administrative tasks).

HubSpot’s stance is unequivocal: “We’re not going to lead with ultra-customization and configuration, but we’re going to lead with a clean, easy-to-use interface that users love to help them be more efficient.”

Where other CRMs allow for a highly customized model, implementation can often take a much longer time. If the company’s sales process changes, the CRM will need a complete overhaul to ensure no loose ends are left behind.

Therefore, although the limitations of configuration capacity may seem inconvenient at first glance, users generally appreciate that it is so since, in the long term, it avoids complications.

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